Super ising emulator with multi-body interactions and all-to-all connections
S Kumar, H Zhang, Y Huang, BU Ting
US Patent App. 17/924,638
Journal Articles
33. Single-pixel compressive imaging via single photon counting, L Li, M Thomas, S Kumar, YP Huang, Optics Continuum 3 (7), 1254-1264 (2024).
32. Photon counting Raman spectroscopy: a benchmarking study vs surface plasmon enhancement
Y Li, S Kumar, T Huo, H Du, YP Huang, Optics Express 32 (10), 16657-16669 (2024).
31. Noise-resilient single-pixel compressive sensing with single photon counting, L Li, S Kumar, YM Sua, YP Huang, Communications Physics 7 (1), 110 (2024).
30 “Single-pixel image reconstruction using coherent nonlinear optics”- M. Thomas, S. Kumar, and Y.P. Huang, Opt. Lett. 48, 4320-4323 (2023).
29 “Programmable Spatiotemporal Quantum Parametric Mode Sorter” - M. Garikapati, S. Kumar, H. Zhang, Y. M. Sua, Y. Huang, Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 044070 (2023). Editors’ Suggestion [First two authors have equal contribution.].
28 “Observation of Distinct Phase Transitions in a Nonlinear Optical Ising Machine” - S. Kumar, Z. Li, T. Bu, C. Qu, Y. Huang, Communications Physics 6, 31 (2023).
27 “Near-Infrared 3D Imaging with upconversion detection” - H. Zhang, S. Kumar, S. Zhu, Y.M. Sua, and Y.P. Huang, Photonics Research 10, 2760 (2022),
26 “Efficient Optical Reservoir Computing for Parallel Data Processing” - T. Bu, H. Zhang, S. Kumar, M. Jin, P. Kumar and Y.P. Huang, Opt. Lett., 47, 3784 (2022).
25 “Efficient Frequency Doubling with Active Stabilization on Chip” -J. Chen, C. Tang, M. Jin, Z. Li, Z. Ma, H. Fan, S. Kumar, Y. M. Sua, Y.P. Huang, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2100091 (2021).
24 “Spatio-temporal Mode Selective Quantum Frequency Converter”, S. Kumar, H. Zhang, P. Kumar, M. Garikapati, Y.M. Sua, Y.P. Huang, Phys. Rev. A 104, 023506 (2021).
23 “Robust and Efficient Single-Pixel Image Classification with Nonlinear Optics” - S. Kumar,T. Bu, H. Zhang, I. Huang and Y. Huang, Opt. Lett.46, 1848–1851 (2021).
22 “Guiding Light via Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces” - K. Asawa, S. Kumar, Y. Huangand C.-H. Choi, App. Phys. Lett.118, 091602 (2021).
21 “Efficient Reservoir Computing using Field Programmable Gate Array and Electro-opticModulator”, P. Kumar, M. Jin, T. Bu, S. Kumar, and Y. Huang,
OSA Continuum 4, 1086-1098 (2021).
20 “Single-Pixel Pattern Recognition with Coherent Nonlinear Optics” - T. Bu, S. Kumar, H.Zhang, I. Huang, and Y. Huang
Opt. Lett.45, 6771-6774 (2020).
19 “Super-resolution Optical Classifier with High Photon Efficiency” - H. Zhang, S. Kumar, andY. Huang,
Opt. Lett.45, 4968-4971 (2020).
18 “Large-scale Ising Emulation with Four-Body Interaction and All-to-All Connection” - S.Kumar, H. Zhang, and Y. Huang,
Communications Physics3, 108 (2020).
17. “Mode Selective Up-conversion Detection with Turbulence” -
H. Zhang, S. Kumar, and Y.-P. Huang,
Sci. Rep. 9, 17481 (2019).
16. “Mode-selective image upconversion” -
S. Kumar, H. Zhang, S. Maruca, and Y.-P. Huang,
Opt. Lett. 44, 98-101 (2019).
15. “Quantum Airy Photons”
S. Maruca, S. Kumar, Y.M. Sua, J.-Y. Chen, A. Shaherdi, and Y.-P. Huang,
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51, 175501 (2018).
[First two authors have equal contribution.]
14. “Intracavity Rydberg-atom electromagnetically induced transparency using a high-finesse optical cavity” -
J. Sheng, Y. Chao, S. Kumar, H. Fan, J. Sedlacek and J. P. Shaffer,
Phys. Rev. A 96, 033813 (2017).
ISSN/ISBN no. 1094-1622 (Online)
13. “Rydberg-atom based radio-frequency electrometry using frequency modulation spectroscopy in room temperature vapor cells” -
S. Kumar, H. Fan, H. Kubler, A. J. Jahangiri and J. P. Shaffer,
ISSN: 1094-4087
12. “Atom-Based Sensing of Weak Radio Frequency Electric Fields Using Homodyne Readout” -
S. Kumar, H. Fan, H. Kubler, J. Sheng, and J. P. Shaffer,
Sci. Rep. 7, 42981 (2017). Impact factor: 5.3
ISSN 2045-2322 (online)
11. “Dispersive radio frequency electrometry using Rydberg atoms in a prism-shaped atomic vapor cell” -
H. Fan, S. Kumar, H. Kubler, and J. P. Shaffer,
Special issue on Rydberg atomic physics,
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49, 104004 (2016). Impact factor: 1.8
ISSN/ISBN no. 1361-6455 (Online)
10. “Collective state synthesis in an optical cavity using Rydberg atom blockade” -
S. Kumar, J. Sheng, J. Sedlacek, H.Q. Fan, and J.P. Shaffer,
Special issue on Rydberg atomic physics
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49, 064014 (2016). Impact factor: 1.8
ISSN/ISBN no. 1361-6455 (Online)
9. “A controllable single photon beam-splitter as a node of a quantum network” -
G. Gautam,S. Kumar, S. Ghosh, and D. Kumar,
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.49, 065502 (2016). Impact factor: 1.8
ISSN/ISBN no. 1361-6455 (Online)
8. “Effect of Vapor-Cell Geometry on Rydberg-Atom-Based Measurements of Radio-Frequency Electric Fields” -
H. Fan, S. Kumar, J. Sheng, J. P. Shaffer, C. L. Holloway and J. A. Gordon,
Phys. Rev. Applied 4, 044015 (2015). Impact factor: 4.0
ISSN/ISBN no. 1094-1622 (Online) [citations: 7]
7. “Atom based RF electric field sensing” -
H.Q. Fan, S. Kumar, J. Sedlacek, H. Kubler, S. Karimkashi, and J.P. Shaffer,
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48, 202001(2015). Impact factor: 1.8
ISSN/ISBN no. 1361-6455 (Online)[citations: 18]
6. “Sub-wavelength microwave electric field imaging using Rydberg atoms inside atomic vapor cells” -
H.Q. Fan, S. Kumar, R. Daschner, H. Kubler, and J.P. Shaffer,
Opt. Lett. 39, 3030 (2014). Impact factor: 3.2
ISSN/ISBN no. 1539-4794 (Online)[citations: 23]
5. “Optically detuned light storage in metastable helium: efficiency and stored phase” -
M-A. Mayrad, T. Labidi, M. Mukhtar, S. Kumar, R Ghosh, F. Bretenaker, and F. Goldfrab,
Euro. Phys. Lett. 105, 44002 (2014). Impact factor: 2.0
ISSN/ISBN no. 2286-4854 (Online)[citations: 6]
4. “Polarization-dependent manipulation of optical properties in a tripod system” -
S. Kumar, T. Lauprˆetre, F. Bretenaker F. Goldfarb, and R. Ghosh,
Phys. Rev. A 88, 023852 (2013). Impact factor: 2.8
ISSN/ISBN no. 1094-1622 (Online) [citations: 5]
3. “Quantum processing by adiabatic transfer through a manifold of dark states” -
S. Kumar, and D. Kumar,
Phys. Rev. A 85, 052317 (2012). Impact factor: 2.8
ISSN/ISBN no. 1094-1622 (Online) [citations: 7]
2. “Ultranarrow resonance due to coherent population oscillation in a Λ-type atomic system” -
T. Lauprˆetre, S. Kumar, P. Berger, R. Faoro, R. Ghosh, F. Bretenaker, and F. Goldfarb,
Phys. Rev. A 85, 051805(R) (2012). Impact factor: 2.8
ISSN/ISBN no. 1094-1622 (Online) [citations: 30]
1. “Interacting double dark resonances in a hot atomic vapor of helium” -
S. Kumar, T.Lauprˆetre, R. Ghosh, F. Bretenaker, and F. Goldfarb,
Phys. Rev. A 84, 023811 (2011). Impact factor: 2.8
ISSN/ISBN no. 1094-1622 (Online) [citations: 12]
1. “Interacting double dark resonances in a tripod system of room-temperature 4 He” -
S. Kumar, T. Lauprˆetre, C. Proux, F. Bretenaker, R. Ghosh and F. Goldfarb,
Proc. SPIE 8173, 81730L (2011).
ISSN/ISBN no. 9780819488008
2. ”Destructive Interference of Dark Resonances in a Room Temperature Tripod System”,
S. Kumar, T. Laupretre, F. Bretenaker, R. Ghosh, and F. Goldfarb,
ISSN/ISBN no. 978-1-55752-913-8
3.“Quantum processing through a manifold of dark states” -
S.Kumar and D. Kumar,
Proc. SPIE 8518, 851811 (2012).
ISSN/ISBN no. 9780819492357
4. “Adiabatic Quantum Processing in an atom-cavity-fibre network through a manifold of dark states” -
S. Kumar and D. Kumar, IEEE 6545822, WPo.25 (2012).
ISSN/ISBN no. 978-1-55752-959-0
5. “Ultranarrow coherent population oscillation resonance in a Λ-type system” -
Frontiers in Optics (FiO), FW1B.4 (2012).
T. Lauprˆetre, S Kumar, P Berger, R. Faoro, R. Ghosh, F. Bretenaker, .
ISSN/ISBN no. 978-1-55752-956-5
6. “Polarization Dependent Manipulation of Optical Properties in a Tripod System of Metastable Helium”, -
S. Kumar, T. Laupretre, F. Bretenaker, F. Goldfarb, and R. Ghosh,
Frontiers in Optics (FIO), FTh1C.5 (2013).
ISSN/ISBN no. 978-1-55752-987-9.
7. “Extra phase shift created by optically detuned light storage in metastable helium” -
M-A. Maynard, R. Bouchez, E. Brion, T. Labidi, M. Mukhtar, S. Kumar, R. Ghosh, F. Bretenaker, and F. Goldfarb,
Frontiers in Optics (FiO), FTu5C.4 (2014).
ISSN/ISBN no. 1-55752-286-3
8. “Atom Based Vector Microwave Electrometry Using Rubidium Rydberg Atoms in a Vapor Cell” -
H. Kubler, J. A. Sedlacek, A. Schwettmann, R. Daschner, H. Fan, S. Kumar, R. Low, T. Pfau, and J.P. Shaffer,
High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena, JW2A.42 (2014).
ISBN: 978-1-55752-995-4
9. “Atom-based RF electric field measurements: An initial investigation of the measurement uncertainties” -
C.L. Holloway, J.A. Gordon, M.T. Simons, H. Fan, S. Kumar, J.P. Shaffer, D. A. Anderson, A. Schwarzkopf, S.A. Miller, N. Thaicharoen, G. Raithel,
IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), 467-472 (2015).
ISSN/ISBN no. 978-1-4799-6616-5
10.“The uncertainties associated with Rydberg atom based electric field measurements” -
C.L. Holloway, J.A. Gordon, H. Fan, S. Kumar, and J.P. Shaffer,
Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI (2015).
ISSN/ISBN no. 978-1-4799-7817-5
11. “Routing of controllable single photon at a node of quantum network”
S. Kumar, G. Gautam,D. Kumar, S. Ghosh,
International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, Th3A. 76 (2016).
ISBN: 978-1-943580-22-4
12. “Microwave electric field measurement using frequency modulation spectroscopy in Rydberg atoms vapor cells” -
S. Kumar, H. Fan, A.J. Jozani, H. Kubler, J.P. Shaffer,
International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, Tu2C. 4 (2016).
ISBN: 978-1-943580-22-
13. S. Kumar, H. Zhang, S. Maruca, and Y. Huang, “Mode-Selective Image Upconversion,” in
Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2018),
paper JTu3A.5.
14. S. Kumar, S. Maruca, Y. M. Sua, and Y. Huang, “Generation of Quantum Airy Photons,”
in Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America,
2018), paper FM3C.5.
Single Photon Compressive Sensing
L Li, S Kumar, Y Huang
Frontiers in Optics, FM1B. 3
2023Single Pixel Image Reconstruction Using Nonlinear Optics and Neural Networks
S Kumar, M Thomas, Y Huang
Laser Science, JM7A. 126
2023Raman Spectroscopy with Single Photon Counting
S Kumar, Y Li, T Huo, H Du, Y Huang
Laser Science, JM7A. 120
http://j nu.academia.edu/Santoshkumar/Talks/67638/Quantum_Adiabatic_Processing_through_manifold_of_dark_states
1. International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics: PHOTONICS-2008, New Delhi, India, 13-17 December 2008.
2. Recent Developments in Quantum Condensed Matter, JNU, New Delhi, India, 5-7 March 2009.
3. International Conference in Cold Ions and Atoms 2010, Kolkata, India, 16-21 January 2010.
4. Interacting double dark resonances in a tripod system of room-temperature helium - S. Kumar, T. Laupretre, C. Proux, F. Bretenaker, R. Ghosh and F. Goldfarb, Oral Presentation in International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics: PHOTONICS-2010, IIT Guwahati, India, 11-15 December 2010.
5. Double dark resonances in a tripod system of hot vapor of helium - S. Kumar, T. Laupretre, F. Bretenaker, R. Ghosh and F. Goldfarb, Poster Presentation in March Meeting - SPS@25: Looking Forward, JNU, New Delhi, India, 10-11 March 2011.
6. Double dark resonances in a tripod system of room temperature helium- S. Kumar,Laupretre, F. Bretenaker, R. Ghosh and F. Goldfarb, Poster Presentation in International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing (ICQOQC-11), JIIT Noida, India, 24-26 March 2011.
7. Quantum Processing through a Manifold of Dark States - S. Kumar and D. Kumar, Poster Presentation in International School on Quantum and Nano Computing Systems and Applications (QANSAS-2011), DEI Agra, India, 1-4 December 2011.
8. Double dark resonances in a tripod system of room temperature helium- S. Kumar,Laupretre, F. Bretenaker, R. Ghosh and F. Goldfarb, Poster Presentation in International Conference on Current Developments in Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Nano Physics with Applications (CDAMOP-2011), Delhi University, 14-16 December 2011.
9. Adiabatic Quantum Processing through a Manifold of Dark States- S. Kumar and D. Kumar, Poster Presentation in International Workshop on Quantum Information (IWQI-2012), HRI Allahabad 20 -26 Feburary 2012.
10. Coherent manipulation of optical properties in hot vapor of helium - S. Kumar, T. Laupretre, F. Bretenaker, R. Ghosh and F. Goldfarb, Poster Presentation in International Conference of Atomic Physics (ICAP-2012), Paris, France 23 -27July, 2012.
11. Quantum processing by adiabatic transfer through a manifold of dark states - S. Kumar and D. Kumar, 23rd International Conference on Atomic Physics ICAP 2012, Paris, France, Summer School: ENS, Paris, France from 16 - 21 July 2012.
12. Quantum processing by adiabatic transfer through a manifold of dark states - S. Kumar, and D. Kumar, Poster Presentation in International Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Computation (ICQIQC-2013), IISc. Bangalore, India, 07-11 January 2013.
13. Polarization Dependent Manipulation of Optical Properties in a Tripod System of Metastable Helium - S. Kumar, T. Laupretre, F. Bretenaker, R. Ghosh and F. Goldfarb, Oral Presentation in Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science (FIO-LS), Orlando, USA 6-10 October 2013.
14. Coherent manipulation by adiabatic passage of interacting Rydberg atoms inside a cavity, S. Kumar, C. Evel, J. Sedlacek, J.P. Shaffer, Poster Presentation in 45th Annual Meeting the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Madison, Wisconsin, USA 2-6 June 2014.
15. Quantum-Assisted Electrometry using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency with Rydberg Atoms in a Vapor Cell, H.Q. Fan, S. Kumar, R. Dashner, H. Kubler, J. Sedlacek, J.P. Shaffer, Poster Presentation in 45th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Madison, Wisconsin, USA 2-6 June, 2014.
16. Interacting Rydberg atoms in an optical cavity to synthesize coherent collective states using dipole blockade, S. Kumar, J,. Sheng, J. Sedlacek, C. Evel, H.Q. Fan, J.P. Shaffer, Oral Presentation in 46th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Columbus, Ohio, USA 8-12 June, 2015.
17. Rydberg-blockaded medium inside a high-finesse optical cavity, J. Sheng, S. Kumar, W. Whiteneck, J. Sedlacek, J.P. Shaffer, Poster Presentation in 46th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Columbus, Ohio, USA 8-12 June, 2015.
18. A controllable single photon beam-splitter as a node of a quantum network, S. Kumar,Gautam, S. Ghosh, and D. Kumar, Oral Presentation in 47th Annual Meeting of the APSDivision of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Providence, Rhode Island, USA 23-27 May, 2016.
19. Radio-frequency Electrometry Using Rydberg Atoms in Vapor Cells: Towards the Shot Noise Limit, S. Kumar, H.Q. Fan, A. Jahangiri, H. Kubler, and J.P. Shaffer, Poster Presentation in 47th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Providence, Rhode Island, USA 23-27 May, 2016.
20. Routing of controllable single photon at a node of quantum network” S. Kumar, G. Gautam,D. Kumar, S. Ghosh, International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, (2016).IIT, Kanpur, 04-08 December, 2016.
ISBN: 978-1-943580-22-4
21. “Microwave electric field measurement using frequency modulation spectroscopy in Rydberg atoms vapor cells” S. Kumar, H. Fan, A.J. Jozani, H. Kubler, J.P. Shaffer, Oral Presentation in International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, (2016), IIT, Kanpur, 04-08 December, 2016.
22. Weak Microwave Electric Field Measurement using Rydberg Atoms in Vapor Cells, S. Kumar, A. Jahangiri, H.Q. Fan, H. Kubler, and J.P. Shaffer, Poster Presentation in DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-25), KIIT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 20-23 December, 2016. ISSN:978-81-903321-7-0
23. Controllable Routing of Single Photon at a Node of Quantum Network, S. Kumar, G. Gautam, D. Kumar, and S. Ghosh, Poster Presentation in DAE-BRNS National Laser Symposium (NLS-25), KIIT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 20-23 December, 2016. ISSN:978-81-903321-7-0