Awards and recognitions
1 Visiting Scholar, Laboratoire Aime Cotton, Paris, France, 2010, 2011 and 2012 (Total: 6 months).
2 Sterlite innovation award, International conference of Fiber Optics, Photonics, IIT Guwahati 2010.
3 Junior Research Fellow (JRF) CSIR-India, Jan 2008 - Dec 2011.
4 Senior Research Fellow (SRF) CSIR-India, Jan 2011 - Dec 2013.
5 PBC Fellowship for outstanding postdoctoral researcher in Israel (VATAT), Bar Ilan University, Israel (VATAT) 2013.
6 Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Oklahoma, USA 2013.
7 Poster presentation award, March meeting SPS@25, Jawaharlal Nehru University 2011.
8 Physics Model Competition award, (First Prize) Govt. PG College, Bisalpur, Pilibhit, U.P., MJPRU 2004.
9 Certificate of Recognition in National Graduate Physics Examination, Indian Association of Physics Teachers, IIEC, Pune, India 2003.